European Newspapers

Index of the european newspaper


Italian Newspapers

sample-image Italian newspapers can be broadly classified into two categories: national and regional. Some of the most widely read national newspapers in Italy are La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, and Il Giornale. These newspapers cover a wide range of topics including politics, economics, culture, sports, and entertainment. Read more. Last update

Newspapers in Italy

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On the regional level, there are numerous newspapers that cater to specific regions in Italy. These newspapers offer a more localized perspective and coverage of regional news and events. Examples of regional newspapers in Italy include Il Tirreno, Il Messaggero, and La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno etc. Overall, the Italian newspaper industry is diverse and dynamic, reflecting the country's rich cultural and political heritage.

Must read
Printing Digital Money: Newspaper's Guide to an Internet, Mobile, Email and Print Business Model - Eric Buskirk Mba
Internet Newspapers: The Making of a Mainstream Medium - Xigen Li
The Newspapers Handbook - Richard Keeble
Newspapers: A Complete Guide to the Industry - Mike Farrell
Magazine Production - Jason Whittaker